15 February 2008

Indian Wedding - Part II

All right guys: we're in Mumbai now, and we promised to tell you about what we were going to see and hear and experience at this wedding in Piparyia. It's quite difficult to make a summary of this big event...we even were not able to make an entry in our own travel-diary...and this means a lot!!! That's why we decided to upload a small fotogallery and try to explain what is going on on these scenes...

10th february - one of many ceremonies
Indian Weddings last five days. On the 4th (the day we joined) the grooms family has a lot of traditional ceremonies and the priest gives his blessings for the grooms future. It's a very chaotic occasion! And evceryone needs a lot of patience, specially stufabi...

Lots of dancing
After the ceremonies EVERYONE is dancing his ass of. The Swissies were the major attraction on the dancefloor...of course because moving to the Indian Beats is a science...Each song has his own steps...


which we had plenty during the second day...waiting for the program to be continued, waiting for a transfer to the next place. And as you can see, we even did nanny-jobs...

11th February - our wedding dress
Some women 'put' Fabi or better 'wrapped' her in a traditional Sari. Stufi wore his Rajasthani-souvenir-shirt, his best piece of clothes in the backpack.

The grooms dress
Anurag looked like a Maharaja...like a king !
Tooks ages till the turban was sitting on the right position.

Street parade
On the way from the dressing place, everybody gathered and accompanied by drums and trumpets (like a Guggemusig), we marched dancing towards the wedding garden.
In Langetau heit dir denn grad Fasnacht gfiiret und so isch's ues oeppe ou vorchoo:-)))

The wedding couple

At this point, groom and bride met for the first time since we arrived !!!

Towards midnight, it was pretty chilly, the poor couple had to pose on the throne with all the wedding guests...

That's it from the wedding part.
We hope we could make you see how colourful and busy and happy this all was.

On the 13th we boarded the train to Mumbai. After spending 2 hours in the cyber-cafe we are unable to write about big-city-life....so more about that later on. Hasta luego !!!


Bruce said...

Hei machet euch keni Sorge wäge de Foti...
Mir hei afe mou e Beamer bsorget, dass mer de euchi Foti mou gmeinsam bim ne Kiwiroska (Oder villech bringet dir jo ou e Drink us de Ferie hei) in vouer Uflösig chöi beguetachte ;)

Apropos Fasnacht, dir hättet mit euchne Outfits so mänge Langethaler Fasnächtler usgstoche. Gseht lässig us!


Bruce said...