31 May 2008
stufabi goes to thailand

In and around Kathmandu

10 May 2008
Wildlife & Buddhism & Rural Nepal

Stufabi in front of the World Peace Pagoda, Lumbini
Next destination was Lumbini, Lord Buddha Siddharta Gautama's birthplace (563bc). It is a pilgrimage place for Buddhists and Hindus as Buddha also is a reincarnation of the important Hindu god Vishnu.
The widespread development zone around birth site where Buddhist communities from all over the world build their monasteries and temples really is worth a visit. The white World Peace Pagoda for example was built by Japanese monks, the colourful ornamented door which Fabi tries to open :-) belongs to the Tibetan gompa and the huge praying roll Stufi is moving is located next to the German temple.
The effort of maintenance of the buildings and gardens varies a lot...some are in a very poor condition which is quite sad, but others are very well kept and it is a big pleasure to walk through the neatly arranged surroundings.
Man selling spices in a street in Pokhara
Stufi asking for directions, Pokhara
Here and then we rent some old style Indian bicycles with one gear...we love to explore the surroundings cycling! As the maps often are basic or rather not useful we count on the help of locals. Asking for directions using hands and feet can happen anywhere, even in the middle of a junction ;-)

Escaping the heat, a winding road took us up to the medieval hill town of Tansen. Most parts of the old town are traffic-free because of the narrow and steep alleys. This fact requires the people to carry all the goods themselves.

Tansens main business is the weaving of a unique material which is seen all over Nepal. We visited one of the factories and were surprised how complicated the weaving-looms are built and how quick the workers handle these machines. At the market area you could buy all kinds of bags, clothes, hats, shoes etc. made out of this fabric.

We are very happy to still have three weeks left to continue our travels in this marvelous country.
The encounters with these beautiful and friendly people are always an enrichment, we truly love what we get to see and experience here.
28 April 2008
ANNAPURNA 1 - 8091m - View from Lete
On the starting day we first drove by car for about 1 hour to Nayapul, which is the town where you have to enregister with ACAP, the Annapurna Conservation Area Project, before starting the trekking. As we decided to walk with a guide, we didn't have to worry about the paper work;-) Talking about the guide: he's name is Kopil and he lead us thru the mountains, giving us some precious information about the peaks, local people, religion and made us laugh with his funny behaviour. In this area it really is not necessary to be guided, as the trails are very well maintained and obviously marked and the guesthouses, called teahouses,
are widely spread out along the tracks. Even though April is a good time for hiking in this part of the Himalayas, we never had any troubles to find a bed to sleep and food to fill our empty stomachs. Our idea in hiring a guide was mainly the benefit of getting interesting background information, which at the end was rather disappointing and not worth the money, because our man was not one of the experienced ones and his english skills ware pretty basic. But at least we supported a local family (Kopil is a part-time university student and a proud father of a daughter)!
On day three at 4.30 in the morning we started walking up to Poonhill, one of the most famous lookout-points in the Annapurna range, to see the sunrise. We were blessed by superb weather conditions...so we not only could admire the view, but also see the six stripes of the Himalayas before the sun rised over the peaks. What a unique moment!!!
It didn't matter that hundreds of other trekkers from all over the world shared that time up there with stufabi. Happiness was written in everyone's face that morning...
The day before climbing Poonhill, we were walking seven hours with 1200m difference in altitude, constantly ascending. After descending from Poonhill, eating cornbread and drinking milktea for breakfast, we continued walking downhill to the village of Tatopani, 1200m lower and seven hours further. This was quite a bit of work for our legs and shoulders, and at the same time our thoughest two days. This torture absolutely was rewarded by the mentionned Poonhill-views, as well as passing thru blooming rhododendron-forests and coming along waterfall landscapes forming pools with cristalclear, icecold mountainwater.
It was also very interesting to see how the hilltribes live and how they are able to grow different grains (corn, wheat), vegetables (cauliflower, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, spinach) and fruits (apples, apricots, almonds) in barren earth.
Most of those tribal people have tibetean roots. It can easily be seen in their different clothing, the colourful jewellery the women wear, the art, and the religion which is Tibetean Buddhism. Praying flags are waving everywhere, Praying rolls are installed in every tiny little village and Bhudda's Eyes are watching you from all over...

16 April 2008
First news from Nepal

As mentionned earlier, we arrived in Kathmandu on the big day of the elections which marked the end of the monarchy and where there was to find out whether the Communists(Maoists) or the
Congress Party will win. Against the expectations, the situation

We only spent three days in the capital city, using the time for trekking preparations, arranging our flight to Bangkok in June, enjoying the widespreaded choice of restaurants and last but not

08 April 2008
Last news from India

01 April 2008
20 March 2008
Hampi and the rocks

The whole area is located in a valley, washed out by a gigantic river thousand of years ago. The village is spread out along the quiet river surrounded by Vijayanagar ruins of the 14th century. One temple is 52meters high and some parts of these ruins are part of the World Heritage.

What really gives Hampi its magical touch is the combination of the ruins and the boulders. Those rock formations look like piled marbles and are very inviting to be climbed (playground for Stufi!) or to have a rest in their shade.
But you always have to be aware of the cheeky monkeys. They are very quick in stealing food (not only bananas) and waterbottles.
The climate is g

For getting there we booked an overnight sleeper bus.
Goa and the portuguese influence

Arambol is the northern most beach in the state of Goa. You can imagine it like this: no big tourist resorts, mostly just simple bamboo-huts on the beach or small, familiar guesthouses in town. Not too many charter tourists, but food and snacks from all over the world.
First night we shared our room with cockroaches and spiders. So first thing on the second day was moving to another place, where we found our little paradise.

The days passed with going for long walkes along the beach, swimming in the sweetwaterlake just off the shore, shopping, eating self chosen tigerprawns and lots of other delicious seafood, listening to livemusic and of course sunbathing. Even though our

Also, we have a new favourite drink...is is called Feni, which is brewed from local cashews or coconuts and is strong and tasty and comes lika a hammer. Unfortunately we can not bring it back to Switzerland (sorry Janiel) as it is only sold in Goa.
Most visitors of Goa just go to the beaches, which is a big mistake. As this state is a former portuguese enclave, the influence of this period still can be seen. Especially in the capital city of Panjim.

It is wonderful to see how people of three major religions can live together door-by-door! It is possible to see hindu temples, christian churches and muslim mosques whitin a couple of hundred meters. FANTASTIC!