As mentionned earlier, we arrived in Kathmandu on the big day of the elections which marked the end of the monarchy and where there was to find out whether the Communists(Maoists) or the
Congress Party will win. Against the expectations, the situation

We only spent three days in the capital city, using the time for trekking preparations, arranging our flight to Bangkok in June, enjoying the widespreaded choice of restaurants and last but not

After Kathmandu we headed eastwards straight to Pokhara, the gateway to all the hiking in the Annapurna region. No, we haven't seen Mt.Everest yet as this peak is located in the west...but getting a first glance on the Himalayas is honestly breathtaking and goosebumps giving. Pokhara is only at 800m altitude and sourrounded by several 8000m peaks such as the Dhaulagiri
(8167m) or the little lower but Matterhorn-shaped Machhapuchhare (6997m). We certainly will be able to tell you much more about these mountains and the emotions as tomorrow we'll start trekking in this area. The name of the trek is Jomsom and will take us at least 10 days or even longer in case we won't get enough...

uschoen vo oeich wider noeii idrueck uebermittlet zbecho.und oeich ufem foeteli zgseh duet ou guet und macht froeid.
be ues si d gaertner flissig am schaffe, dass dr noei husplatz baud fertig wird. be gspannt wis de oeich gfaut, goht jo nuemme ganz zwe monet.....
dir sit jo jetz uf dr trecking-tour und choeit dä itrag erscht spoeter laese. isch jo glich, isch mir haut jetz grad drum gsi z schribe. daenke voeu a oeich und hoffe, dass dir voeu spass heit, witerhin noeii idrueck choeit sammle und dass aues guet goht.
voeu spannends gits vo do nid zbrichte. d schueu-ferie goeh z aend und dr autag normalisiert sich wider. uebrigens, huet zobe goni usnahmswis einisch ane lotto-
match.... froeie mi.
vo haerze es liebs grueessli a oeich beidi
Hei Stufabi
Neiii dr Stufi isch jo scho mega bruun... oder heit dr ke duschi? :)aber mir si jz ou am ufhole: mir hei jz nämlech ä Hängematte ufem Balkon u hei das Wucheänd scho s erscht mou drufe chöne d Sunne gniesse! Drnäbe hei mer üsi Wohnig grad no chli ufpimpet..tue de schüsch d föteli i de nöchschte Tag uf mini Homepage de chöit drs ou bestuune ;)
Hoffe dir heit ou wiiterhin ä suuuper schöni Ziit u mir fröie üs scho wider uf die nöchschte news vo öich!!
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